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Different Learning Styles and their relevance

Each of us has our own preferred method by which we learn new information. While some of us might be able to rote memorize for the exams, others find that it is only through understanding logical derivations and patterns can they learn. It is this difference in the way that we process and acquire new information that is called our Learning Style.


The idea behind learning styles is that different individuals have different techniques for learning. There are several common ways in which we all learn. While we all individually employ a mixture of different styles, we each have a dominant style.


Research has found that though we have our preferred styles, it does not mean that we do not (and can not) employ the other styles in varying situations. Only in recent times have educators started using the approach of multiple learning styles and multiple intelligences to address students.


Even today, almost all of our teaching methods – as teachers and parents – are based on standardized methods that believe in a ‘one method suits all’ philosophy. This leads to several bright students falling behind just because the parameters of testing or the method of teaching does not gel with their style of learning. 

Different Learning Styles

While there are various categorizations of the learning styles that we all employ, the most widely accepted is Neil Fleming’s VAK model.


According to this model, there are three basic styles of learning – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.


Visual: Those who learn best from visual cues – diagrams, pictures, slides, handouts, etc.


Auditory: Those who best acquire information through listening – lectures, audio tapes, discussions, etc.


Kinesthetic: Those who find it easiest to learn through experience – projects, experiments, exploration, etc.


It has been found that students who are taught in their preferred learning style display higher speeds and quality of learning. 

Figuring out your child’s Learning Style

You’ve known all along that your child is far more intelligent than his grades reflect and yet you have no idea why his/her performance is poor.


Wouldn’t you want to know how you can help him/her realize his/her true potential?


With the help of our dermatoglyphics analysis, we will help you understand your child’s learning style. This will help you cater to his/her specific style and ensure that he/she lives up to the potential you’ve always known existed. 

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