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What is Dermatoglyphics?

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the Father of Dermatoglyphics.


The field studies the ridge formations on our hands and the soles of our feet. These patterns are formed during the same stage of the embryo development as the spinal cord and the brain. As the brain develops more and more creases, our fingerprints start reflecting these patterns as well. Each of our 10 fingers corresponds to a different region of our brain and the way it is developed.


Once the ridges are finally set, they never change and hence we have the same fingerprints all our lives. Our unique fingerprints are also an indication that we each have unique brains, wired in our very own inimitable ways. 

Dermatoglyphics and the medical field

Since the 1920s, there has been active medical research into the field of Dermatoglyphics to try and determine what we can unlock by studying our fingerprints. With approximately 200 million nerve endings dedicated to our hands alone, they become extremely good sources of untapped psychological and physiological information.


One of the more promising results has been the understanding of latent congenital diseases. Research has also established a connection between our fingerprint patterns and personalities. Scientists discovered that the varying distribution of the brain cells helps us understand our intelligence better and even discover hidden potential capabilities and personality.

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